Sat, 3 Dec 2005
My Dear Friends,
Today’s adventure was a trip to Costco. Jess was at a friend’s house so I went with Mark and Mikey. My plan was to go straight to the back of the store on my crutches to scope out the hors d’oeuvre fixings for the holidays, then go wait in the car.
As we entered Costco, an attendant took me aside to offer me the use of a scooter (mechanized chair), complete with a shopping basket in the front. I had never used one before.
The scooter had a steering wheel with two levers on it, forward and reverse.
“Um, where’s the brakes?” I asked the attendant as I surveyed the controls.
“No brakes,” he said. “You’ll be alright.”
It was hard at first to maneuver among all those shoppers and their huge carts. Costco was packed. The scooter lurched forward every time I pressed the lever, then someone would cut me off and I’d have to stop. I got motion sickness before we got halfway back. I don’t know how those old ladies do it!
Mikey took a ride with me for a little while, sitting on my left leg. He thought it was great fun, of course. I only let him steer in clear aisles. The rest of the time, he walked beside me, “to make sure you don’t crash”.
As we made our way through the store, I eventually was able to drive smoothly. It was most crowded around the free sample stations at the end of each aisle. Before we’d left home, I had asked Mark if we should have a “Costco lunch” or fix something at home. There are so many free samples on Saturdays that you’re practically full by the time you leave the store! We had opted for lunch at home.
At the checkout, Mark and Mikey unloaded the cart and my front basket. Mark handled the transaction and I went ahead to wait by the wall. I parallel parked the scooter. I was pretty proud of myself, as I still cannot do that with my car!
Right now I am sitting in the lobby of the Westland Recreation Center. Mark is playing wallyball with a group of neighbors. They do this every couple months or so. It’s dangerous sometimes. The first time they played, one neighbor messed his arm up so bad he needed surgery and spent six weeks in a cast! He has since bowed out gracefully. I don’t play. I’m just in it for the group dinner afterwards. Tonight we are going to Richter’s Chalet, my favorite German Restaurant located in Dearborn. I don’t order German food, though. This place has an awesome Beef Wellington and great desserts, as the owner is a pastry chef.
Well, I’m going to pack up Mark’s laptop now, as they’ll be done playing soon.
Today’s adventure was a trip to Costco. Jess was at a friend’s house so I went with Mark and Mikey. My plan was to go straight to the back of the store on my crutches to scope out the hors d’oeuvre fixings for the holidays, then go wait in the car.
As we entered Costco, an attendant took me aside to offer me the use of a scooter (mechanized chair), complete with a shopping basket in the front. I had never used one before.
The scooter had a steering wheel with two levers on it, forward and reverse.
“Um, where’s the brakes?” I asked the attendant as I surveyed the controls.
“No brakes,” he said. “You’ll be alright.”
It was hard at first to maneuver among all those shoppers and their huge carts. Costco was packed. The scooter lurched forward every time I pressed the lever, then someone would cut me off and I’d have to stop. I got motion sickness before we got halfway back. I don’t know how those old ladies do it!
Mikey took a ride with me for a little while, sitting on my left leg. He thought it was great fun, of course. I only let him steer in clear aisles. The rest of the time, he walked beside me, “to make sure you don’t crash”.
As we made our way through the store, I eventually was able to drive smoothly. It was most crowded around the free sample stations at the end of each aisle. Before we’d left home, I had asked Mark if we should have a “Costco lunch” or fix something at home. There are so many free samples on Saturdays that you’re practically full by the time you leave the store! We had opted for lunch at home.
At the checkout, Mark and Mikey unloaded the cart and my front basket. Mark handled the transaction and I went ahead to wait by the wall. I parallel parked the scooter. I was pretty proud of myself, as I still cannot do that with my car!
Right now I am sitting in the lobby of the Westland Recreation Center. Mark is playing wallyball with a group of neighbors. They do this every couple months or so. It’s dangerous sometimes. The first time they played, one neighbor messed his arm up so bad he needed surgery and spent six weeks in a cast! He has since bowed out gracefully. I don’t play. I’m just in it for the group dinner afterwards. Tonight we are going to Richter’s Chalet, my favorite German Restaurant located in Dearborn. I don’t order German food, though. This place has an awesome Beef Wellington and great desserts, as the owner is a pastry chef.
Well, I’m going to pack up Mark’s laptop now, as they’ll be done playing soon.
At 11:18 AM,
Mark Kappe said…
Sounds tasty, as long as I don't have to pronounce it correctly!
At 10:47 PM,
Heike said…
Hi Jeanette,
Loved your update. Maybe next time I come to Plymouth we can drive over to the German restaurant and I can see if I still like German food that is not cooked by Karin. As far as honesty is concerned, it someone asks, maybe just give them 1/2 the answer and say you had hip replacement surgery and save the cancer diagnosis for when they ask more questions. I like your honesty but some people really don't know how to handle it don't know what to say. Your sense of humor comes through so clearly, I just love your updates.
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