Kappe Family News

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tues, 28 Feb 2006

My Dear Friends,

Yesterday in treatment I was happy to hear that my red blood cells were at a good level. Guess those horse pills are working. I did not need that shot in the gut I get every week to boost the red cells. Yaay!

White cells were low but that goes in cycles. SH the nurse expects those to come back up this week. Haven't needed shots for that yet.

The old gentleman still has his hair.

His sister gave me an unsolicited update on that smoker who bummed me out in the support group last time. Ovarian cancer. I'm definitely NOT going now! Another woman I'd met in chemo attended the group only once. I'll bet she stopped going because it was a real downer. I just can't devote my energy to that.

Overdid it in P.T. last week. After a gentle scolding from J, I did my exercises at home on Wednesday. He worked me out on Thursday. I was feeling good, just a little sore, so I walked around the local huge bookstore without my cane. Mistake! I only lean on the cane very softly now and don't even use it around the house (short distances). Figured I didn't need it. On Friday, I was hurting. J the slavedriver took pity on me and just did massage and a large heating pad. It felt much better over the weekend, even though we visited the family on the other side of the state (a 3-hour drive, one way).

I was too afraid to do my home exercises yesterday, so we'll see if J scolds me again. :)

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.



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