Mon, 9 January 2006
My Dear Friends,
It's late so I'll try to make this short.
First, I need to thank everyone at my sister's office for the very special Christmas gift. She made a huge card and a ton of people signed it with good wishes and words of encouragement. It brings tears of joy every time I read it.
Second, I should mention that the shoulder pain I had on the right side is better. It was either a strain that healed up or a spot of cancer the chemo is killing. So I'm not going to worry about that anymore.
Never made it to the 9:00 AM support group meeting on Saturday. My parents came to pick up my youngest for his swimming lesson and Dad informed me that the roads were a sheet of black ice. I left a little after 8:30 AM which in normal conditions should have been fine.
Wow, were those roads bad! Everyone was being careful, going about 10 mph, leaving lots of braking distance. As I approached the freeway, I could see that those cars were going super slow, too. The whole world was moving in slow motion, just like in the movies. It was pretty surreal. People always complain about others moving too fast...that guy should slow down...she's rushing around. I felt as though I'd awakened in a Twilight Zone episode. It happened because we wished it.
Anyway, two double bottom gravel haulers were sitting on the opposite exit ramp. They wisely said "Screw this!" and parked it. How scary to be driving such a heavy load! No sign of the salt trucks yet. As I made my way to the ramp of the second freeway on my route, I noticed a truck going very slowly ahead of me. Little did I realize just how slowly! Another truck had pulled aside on that ramp as well. The truck in motion slowed down even more. We got up to 4 mph once. I discovered it was possible to go zero miles per hour and not be in park! Who knew!
Looking for some way to pass the time on the ramp, I searched for my cell phone. I was going to call Dad to tell him I was skipping the support group meeting, as it would be over by the time I got there. No cell phone! Of all days to forget it at home!
The SUV in front of me decided to drive off the shoulder and halfway onto the grass for more traction. Actually a good idea. I followed to pass the truck still inching along, as did many people behind me.
I had gone five miles in 40 minutes and still had about 15 miles to go. It was already 9:15 AM as I approached the exit where the swim lessons were taking place. In my rearview mirror, I saw a salt truck! I laughed as a few grains clinked against the side of my car as I exited the freeway. Thanks for nothin'!
The parents were happy and relieved to see me at the pool. They were glad I decided not to risk the trip and I thanked them anyway for taking my little one to lessons. I said it must be weird for them to watch their grandson take lessons in the same place I had done so 25 years ago!
We celebrated my 38th birthday on Sunday. Not my actual birthday but close enough. I was happy to see it.
Chemo was today. Took four hours. One of the drips was going too slowly at first so that stretched it out. The nurses frowned on my idea to give the bag a squeeze to catch up. :)
Walked half a mile tonight with "the girls" (my neighbors). It was the first walk since early November (before surgery) when the docs put me on crutches. The girls were very happy I was able to rejoin them. So was I. We walked slower than normal since I used one crutch. It was really good to get back to walking. We'll see if I'm stiff tomorrow.
Please keep me in your prayers.
It's late so I'll try to make this short.
First, I need to thank everyone at my sister's office for the very special Christmas gift. She made a huge card and a ton of people signed it with good wishes and words of encouragement. It brings tears of joy every time I read it.
Second, I should mention that the shoulder pain I had on the right side is better. It was either a strain that healed up or a spot of cancer the chemo is killing. So I'm not going to worry about that anymore.
Never made it to the 9:00 AM support group meeting on Saturday. My parents came to pick up my youngest for his swimming lesson and Dad informed me that the roads were a sheet of black ice. I left a little after 8:30 AM which in normal conditions should have been fine.
Wow, were those roads bad! Everyone was being careful, going about 10 mph, leaving lots of braking distance. As I approached the freeway, I could see that those cars were going super slow, too. The whole world was moving in slow motion, just like in the movies. It was pretty surreal. People always complain about others moving too fast...that guy should slow down...she's rushing around. I felt as though I'd awakened in a Twilight Zone episode. It happened because we wished it.
Anyway, two double bottom gravel haulers were sitting on the opposite exit ramp. They wisely said "Screw this!" and parked it. How scary to be driving such a heavy load! No sign of the salt trucks yet. As I made my way to the ramp of the second freeway on my route, I noticed a truck going very slowly ahead of me. Little did I realize just how slowly! Another truck had pulled aside on that ramp as well. The truck in motion slowed down even more. We got up to 4 mph once. I discovered it was possible to go zero miles per hour and not be in park! Who knew!
Looking for some way to pass the time on the ramp, I searched for my cell phone. I was going to call Dad to tell him I was skipping the support group meeting, as it would be over by the time I got there. No cell phone! Of all days to forget it at home!
The SUV in front of me decided to drive off the shoulder and halfway onto the grass for more traction. Actually a good idea. I followed to pass the truck still inching along, as did many people behind me.
I had gone five miles in 40 minutes and still had about 15 miles to go. It was already 9:15 AM as I approached the exit where the swim lessons were taking place. In my rearview mirror, I saw a salt truck! I laughed as a few grains clinked against the side of my car as I exited the freeway. Thanks for nothin'!
The parents were happy and relieved to see me at the pool. They were glad I decided not to risk the trip and I thanked them anyway for taking my little one to lessons. I said it must be weird for them to watch their grandson take lessons in the same place I had done so 25 years ago!
We celebrated my 38th birthday on Sunday. Not my actual birthday but close enough. I was happy to see it.
Chemo was today. Took four hours. One of the drips was going too slowly at first so that stretched it out. The nurses frowned on my idea to give the bag a squeeze to catch up. :)
Walked half a mile tonight with "the girls" (my neighbors). It was the first walk since early November (before surgery) when the docs put me on crutches. The girls were very happy I was able to rejoin them. So was I. We walked slower than normal since I used one crutch. It was really good to get back to walking. We'll see if I'm stiff tomorrow.
Please keep me in your prayers.
At 7:23 AM,
Lindsay said…
It is Tuesday, the 10th - you haven't written anything today, so I had to leave this comment on this entry.
Anyway, have an AWESOME day - I will see you after work!!
Love you! -Linz
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