Kappe Family News

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thurs, 9 March 2006

My Dear Friends,

Gave myself a Neupogen injection this morning for low white cells. No big deal, it was a nice small needle. I remembered how to inject from a couple years ago. They have reduced the dose and gave me one day between shots (had one Tuesday) so I don't have a bad reaction. Two years ago, I took shots 3 days in a row. On the 4th day, a Sunday, I could not move without intense bone pain. Hurt terribly to walk, sit or stand. Lasted a day and a half.

When the nurses told me I had to take these shots now, I asked,"What if I don't?"

They said they would put me in the hospital because I'd have no ability to fight infection.

So I took my shot on Tuesday. Had a couple pains yesterday but nothing real nasty. We'll see how I feel after my second shot. I suppose I should be happy that the white cells have been OK this long.

When I saw the doctor on Monday, she put my file on the counter with a thud and said, "Wow, your file is getting thick!"

"Thick is good, "I told her. "Better than being filed away!"

She gave me the once-over and scheduled a bone scan for Friday (tomorrow) to see if there are any "new lesions". If so, we will switch to some other chemicals. If not, we need to decide how long to continue the current regimen. I have just started the fourth month. She said they can go a total of six, nine or twelve months. (12 months more of life sounds good to me!)

Please pray for good results on my scan.

Mark had gone with me to chemo, since it was the three-chemical (long) day. At lunchtime, he went to get carryout from the nearby Applebee's. I had ordered my favorite, the oriental chicken salad. When he brought it back, it occurred to me that the nurses had said my white blood cells were low. I'm not supposed to eat salads during that time because they may not be properly washed.

It looked so good, though. SH the nurse said OK this time, but don't eat a lot of salads.

I had barely started when I noticed a black speck on the piece I was about to eat. Upon closer examination, it was a dead fruit fly! A big fat one!

"Of course he's fat," SH laughed. "He lives in a restaurant!"

I was really grossed out.

"I would just toss it aside and keep eating," SH joked.

I surveyed the topography of my salad and said,"But what if he has friends?!"

Just couldn't continue eating it. Mark called the manager and went back to get me the salmon instead. Sigh! :)

Thank you for your prayers.



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