Kappe Family News

Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday, 17 December 2007

My Dear Friends,

First of all, I had gone to the opthalmologist for my blurred vision. After a bunch of tests, he decided I had a dry left eye and gave me some drops. My vision cleared up in a couple days. I can't help thinking there was more to it than that.

I am due for a bone scan but am keeping my mouth shut.

My red blood cells were low last week, only 9.6. Normal is 11 to 14, I think. They used to give me a shot of Procrit to boost the cells if they were in the 10.something range but a new insurance rule disallows the shot until it's under 10. The Wall Street Journal had an article recently about how cancer patients were mad they have to feel tired all the time because of this new rule. As for me, I decided to wait another week to see if my cells come up. I had been less than diligent in taking my iron pills the previous week.

The thing that is weighing most heavily on my mind is that I need to find a job. The firm has not given me any work since Nov 2nd. I call every Monday and am told there is nothing. It's hard to stay home because my mind concentrates on my situation. It's better to be distracted by a few good tax returns.

I am nervous this morning, as it's Monday. Chemo is on Mondays. You'd think after two years of Monday chemo and over four years of this cancer business, I'd get used to it. You never get used to it.

On a brighter note, let me share a story. It was last Monday. The kids and I went to CVS to buy some hygeine items for the homeless ministry at our church. The Cub Scouts each had to put these items in a shoebox with a hat and gloves, to be distributed in Downtown Detroit before Christmas. I was figuring the cost to be about $20 and I'd probably charge it. Since I still use the cane, I walk looking down so I don't slip on wet pavement or small rocks. So we're walking toward the store. Right before the door, I notice a folded dollar on the pavement! Cool! I unfold it and it's $20! I look around, no one came looking for it. No one at the register was claiming they'd lost their money. So we spent it on the shoebox items and thanked God for our luck. The kids were amazed and so was I. (I bought a lottery ticket just in case but I didn't win the huge bucks.) :)

I need to get ready now, as it's 7:20am. The kids are off school today because we got about 8 inches of snow Saturday night. Grandma Bear coincidentally has the day off so they will hang out with her while I go to treatment.

Next time I will write about my meeting last Wednesday with our new pastor, to get the Catholic perspective on my situation.

Thank you for your continued prayers.



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