Kappe Family News

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tues, 10 Jan 2005

My Dear Friends,

Feel like I should say something profound on my birthday but can't think of anything.

Felt good this morning but started crashing at around 10:30am. Didn't take a nap but probably should've.

The first day after chemo seems to be when I get depressed about the whole situation. I keep thinking of stuff that's coming up in the next year or so... the craft shows I've registered for, a possible class reunion (if someone plans it) and my sister's wedding. I wonder how long I'll be around. Pretty scary to think about it.

It's 10:15pm. I think I'll quit while I'm ahead and write when I feel better.



  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Mark Kappe said…


    Grandma would tell me to get up and stop feeling sorry for myself.

    Not sure why I thought of this now, but I'll never forget what she said the time I signed up for aerobics.

    "What! We never had aerobics! You want aerobics, go scrub the kitchen floor!" :)

    (Yes, the 'tude goes back several generations.)

    I do miss her.



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