Kappe Family News

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Weds, 19 April 2006

My Dear Friends,

Wore my headscarf for the first time today. Mark saw my pirate-like appearance and greeted me with an "Arrrgh, Matey!" I told my oldest that if the kids at school ask questions, just tell them I joined a gang 'cuz the CPA thing wasn't working for me!

The last time I was losing my hair, I put on Guns N Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle" and shaved my head. I planned to do it again tonight but I think I want to hang onto my hair a little longer. Wore the scarf just to prevent the mess. I still have about 40% of my original hair.

Went for a walk both last night and tonight. I hope to build up to not needing the cane for it.

Still in physical therapy twice a week. My walking buddy said it's helping.

White cells were low again this week. Injected on Monday, tonight and need to inject on Friday and Sunday. Oh well.

The highlight of my week was the after-tax day party with friends from my last firm. We had some good laughs. For a couple hours, I forgot about my situation and everything seemed perfectly normal.

It's after 10pm so I should get to bed. Took my daily iron pill over half an hour ago, so it's OK to lie down now. (Not sure about that rule, probably to prevent reflux or something gross like that.)

Your soon-to-be-a-cueball friend,


  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger Mark Kappe said…

    Yeah, I liked Prince. Don't rub it in! :)

    It's good to hear from you! I actually considered writing a snail mail letter to you recently. E-mail is much easier because it's faster to type but maybe I should write. Nothing good ever comes in the mail now. Remember when we were kids, how excited we were to get a letter? :)

    Please e-mail me your home address again.



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