Kappe Family News

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

10 October 2006

My Dear Friends,

Just a quick post because I'm late for work. I've been scolded again for not posting. My fault.

Yesterday was Herceptin day. Been tired the past week. I hope it's only because the red cells are low.

A week ago last Friday a friend called someplace in MD posing as my sister and gave them a bunch of information about me to pressure me to join a study a week from now! I never called them. So today I'm having lunch with her and will get more pressure.

Had two incidents of rapid heartbeat over the weekend. Once was Saturday afternoon when I decided to go for a walk by myself. Mark had to come get me in his car from a block away because my heart would not stop racing. I didn't want to lie down on someone's lawn and draw attention to myself. (Honey, call 911! I was mowing the lawn and found a body!)

The other incident happened after a heated (and ridiculous) phone argument. Luckily, I was already on the couch so I was able to stop that one by lying vertically. It's not good for Mark and the kids to see this happen.

I have another MUGA heart test on Thursday. Routine to see the effects of Herceptin. Maybe it's the heart that's making me tired. I hope the cancer is not spreading.

Next time I will try to be in a better mood when I write. Today I am resentful about stupid things that drain my energy. I'm losing sleep, getting headaches and stomachaches.

Sorry for the complaints. Thank you for your prayers.



  • At 11:01 AM, Blogger Lindsay said…

    Hi Netters!

    Which friend posed as me? HA! Please share details of this study - but you should only do it if YOU want to.

    I am wondering, what is the rapid heartbeat from?

    Sounds like you may need more rest. Please try to relax; we love you!


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