Kappe Family News

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Weds, 17 May 2006

My Dear Friends,

Just a quick post before I head out to physical therapy. Those days in the hospital set me back. I just started feeling less stiff yesterday.

Had chemo on Monday...and a single tear escaped.

Felt pretty good yesterday. No pain to speak of. Doing the alternating pain killers again but bumped up to half a Tylenol 3. Didn't get zoned out or anything...

Woke up a few times last night with various shooting pains so I'd better go take something before I start the day.

The kicker was my white blood cell count last week, which they never called me about...
Remember the high end of normal is 14. I was at 48! That's alarmingly high to me but the nurse said not to worry about it since it was artificially induced.

Took a Neulasta shot at the doc's yesterday. That lasts longer than the Neupogen (hence the name) so hopefully I won't have to inject myself this time around. They're making this up as we go. I felt like I didn't belong in the chemo room yesterday morning. I mean, I just got my shot and left for work, but Monday is the day I pay tribute to cancer. The rest of the week is mine. I feel like being there on Tuesday infringed upon my own time.

Sorry for not posting in so long. I felt well last week, though.

Thank you for your continued prayers.



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