Kappe Family News

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday, 10 Dec 2006

My Dear Friends,

I had this dream last night. Please tell me what you think. I want to write as many details as possible so please bear with me. After, I welcome your comments as to meaning:

Mark and I were going to a fireworks display near an industrial park. (In reality, we had once done this.) We pulled up and parked the car. Some tall guy was in the backseat. (??) Then I remember being in a crowd of people just waiting around. There were people on both sides of the street but fewer people on my side. I turned around and saw someone who looked like my boss at the first CPA firm I'd worked for. He looked tired and was leaning up against a stop sign. I called out to him but he did not answer. Decided it probably wasn't him. Another guy that looked just like him walked up to stand next to him and talk.

I had knowledge that one of my friends was very sick and probably going to die. I looked around for another friend who was supposed to be there. Couldn't find her so I went back to the industrial park to go look for her.

Found her at the edge of a jungle. The trees were very thick and impassable on both sides but I could see a short path through a break in the dark trees. It led to the the shore of a lake then beyond the lake, I could see two snowy mountains side-by-side in the distance. The lakeshore was scary. On it were all kinds of dangerous animals. The largest and most fierce was an angry lion.

He was unlike any lion I had ever seen. I concentrated on his face. It was black and white. His mane was sharp, like metal spikes. He was furious and snarling. He was so agitated in his anger that he was jumping up and down as he paced near the end of the path. I did not feel any danger where I was standing but I did NOT want to go in there.

"What's in there?" I said to my friend as I looked at the mountains.

"The cure," she said.

"Let's go back," I said, staring at the agitated lion. "Come on."

"I can't," she said. "Our friend needs the cure."

I looked at the impossible journey.

"You can't go in there. We don't have time. We've only got 40 minutes!" I told her.

"I don't care," she said. "I have to try."

Then I woke up.

What do you make of that?



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