Kappe Family News

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fri, 10 November 2006

My Dear Friends,

Sorry about the technical difficulties with the blog. Something about cookies not being activated. Last time I activated some cookies, it was a batch of chocolate chip.

Please accept my thanks for your kind words. Starla, you had an excellent idea. I had already started by writing letters to my future daughters-in-law to be read on their wedding nights. I bought two copies of "The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands" by Dr. Laura Schlessinger for them. I will continue by writing to my sons for important occasions. (Ladies, the Dr. Laura book is really good. It opened my eyes for sure.)

Speaking of books, I haven't picked up that Shirley MacLaine book again since her friend started dating a space alien!

As for my side effects of the latest chemical change, I have felt tired (but I also had a cold kicking my butt), a little nauseous but not too bad, and got a splitting headache. The effects seem to be waning now.

On the religious front, my favorite deacon has made an appointment for Mark and I to speak to HIS spiritual advisor, an old and learned Jesuit, this afternoon. This should be interesting. I will let you know how it goes.

On the homefront, my sister and I have jumped back into craft show season. We did a local show last weekend. I thought we had a good spot, as we were around the corner from the entrance. Trouble was, they were routing everyone the OTHER way. People arrived at our booth (#170) with full bags and empty wallets! (We are selling doll clothes & accessories for Barbie & Bratz, as well as beaded earrings for humans.) When my website is complete, I will put in a shameless plug. We plan to visit the area's biggest craft show tomorrow. God willing, we will participate next year.

At this moment, I am hugging my wonderful young son who wanted to sit on Mommy's lap while she types. I love him very dearly.

Now I'd better go to work. I'm glad it's Friday.

Thank you for your continued prayers.



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