Kappe Family News

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

My Dear Friends,

Not sure what to write.

I'm in a holding pattern right now. My next bone scan is on April 20th. That will determine if I stay on the Gemzar or move on to another drug. I have two options left.

Still having chemo every Monday, so today I laid around. Trying to stay on top of things at work. It's not that my tasks are difficult, it's that I'm still expected to get them done even though I'm gone two days a week. Everyone else at work is busy too so I feel bad putting my work off on them. I am resentful of working on Saturdays because that's time I usually spend with my family. Maybe I'm just crabby today. I always get that way after chemo.

Maybe I should've written when I was in a better mood, like this weekend. This Saturday, instead of going in to work, Mark and I volunteered at the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. Mark was the M.C. for the races and I ran the concession booth, with my eldest son. I made 144 hotdogs and sold every last one of them! It took me back to my restaurant days and was fun!

Spring has sprung. It's in the mid-seventies as we speak. We all went outside on Sunday to do some spring yardwork. I raked the flowerbeds, Mark turned the compost and dug out the sump pump trench, the kids picked up branches. The birds are starting to nest in two of our three birdhouses. We didn't take them down in winter, as they've grown so high I'm not sure the ladder will reach. I saw chickadees in one and sparrows in another, though the chickadees are sporadic visitors. The birdhouses are kind of beaten up so I think they may be considering a better neighborhood.

For those of you who don't know, Mark was recently diagnosed with diabetes. He's sworn off sweets and real pop and has been following the carb intake prescribed by the nutritionist. He's testing his blood twice a day and it's been within acceptable limits almost all of the time. The doc thinks we can manage this with pills, exercise and the diet modifications. No shots yet.

The church and school ladies continue to bring us food every Monday and Tueday when I'm down. We are thankful.

Other than that, our guppies are having babies at the rate of 20 to 40 a week as we have a group of breeding females and frisky males. If you know anyone who wants some in about a month, please call or email me. This is getting out of hand! :)

Thank you for your continued prayers.
