Kappe Family News

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday, 22 Feb 2008

My Dear Friends,

Just wanted to write a quick little note. I usually remember blogging in the morning before work but never have time.

Guess I'm doing OK, maintaining. I look normal because my hair is in a cute style. I fear that it will fall out. I think it's happening slowly. My eyebrows and eyelashes are getting sparse. I feel less hair on my head when I wash it but it's still enough to look normal. For now. Still going to chemo every Monday.

No new tests or anything.

Trying to pretend I'm having a normal life. It's tax season so I'm really busy at work. Cancer is like the 800 lb gorilla in the room. I'm trying to ignore it but it's on my mind all the time. I wish I could have my life back. When I look at an old picture of me, I don't even know who that girl is...

Tired lately. My red blood cells are low but still not low enough to get a shot under the new insurance rules. Been hovering at just above the shot level for about a month. The low end of normal is 11. I've been 10.2. Shots are given at 9.9, I guess.

Read in the Wall Street Journal yesterday that one injection they give me (Heparin) when they use my port, is made from pig intestines in dirty Chinese factories! Eeeww!

Gotta go to work.

Please continue to pray for me. WHile you're at it, please pray for my fellow patients Ron and Susan.


PS: Linz laughed at a comment I made when I walked into the empty chemo room on Monday morning. I asked the nurse,"So did everybody croak this weekend or am I just the first one here?' :) You gotta laugh. It's all too scary. :)