Kappe Family News

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday, 29 July 2008

My Dear Friends,

The past two months, I've been coasting in that happy place between major medical tests. I will probably have more scheduled in August, as it's been three or four months. Trying hard (and failing) not to think about that.

Gained some weight. Bummer. Eating dark chocolate makes me feel better although it doesn't really solve anything.

Trying to take walks more frequently. I need to get back in the swimming pool but it might displace too much water. :)

Feeling pretty much OK. Still have my hair. Fell twice last month, once in front of a fruit market (didn't notice the downward slope of the ramp as I approached it from the side) and once at work on the doormat. Luckily, I landed on different knees. When I stumble, my right leg does not get the message to move out to steady me. Down I go. No permanent damage (this time).

My biggest problem is emotional. I am constantly judging myself on how I spend my time, constantly trying to look into the future to see how long I have. Somehow, I've lost my focus on today. Not sure how to get it back. If I spend time cleaning, doing chores, writing, making something (quilting) for a family member, being with friends or hugging my babies, that's time well-spent. I berate myself for any time spent in front of the TV (unless I'm doing something else, like sewing on a Boy Scout patch) at the time. I do not allow myself to nap during the day no matter how much I need it...and I stay up late. The problem is, I stay up late watching TV after the kids go to bed, fall asleep on the couch at 11:30pm then wake up at 1:30am to go to bed. This is not restful. I feel that if I go to bed at 10:30pm, which would probably be good for me to do, I have wasted hours of my life. Yet TV is wasteful. You see the vicious circle.

Enough of that babbling.

My eldest is hiking in New Mexico with the Boy Scouts. He came back from 3 weeks in Germany, stayed home for 10 days, then left on his NM adventure. I tell them to have adventures while they're young. Maybe some time away is good. He's a teenager now and knows everything.

My littlest baby will be 9 years old this week...and the eldest will be 14 in September and is starting high school! Thank God I have lived to see this.

Mark is great. He's teaching the little one how to play baseball now, although soccer is still #1.

Please continue to pray for us.
