Kappe Family News

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weds. 23 Jan 2008

My Dear Friends,

Got myself all worked up again. My spine was glowing like a Christmas tree on that scan.

They finally gave me the results yesterday. It was good! No new areas of cancer. Remember we seek healing or to maintain. I have maintained. So I have another reprieve, praise God.

Thank you for all your prayers.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

My Dear Friends,

My next bone scan is Friday.
Please pray for me.


Saturday, January 05, 2008

Sat, 5 Jan 2008

My Dear Friends,

Happy New Year! In a couple days, I will be 40. Unlike most people, I am very happy to be getting older. Beats the alternative!

Right now, I am very tense, though. My bone scan is coming up. Will probably be this coming week, not sure exactly which day yet.

I've been feeling well. Just getting over a sinus infection. Skipped chemo on Christmas Eve because who wants to feel sick on Christmas Eve? I did go on New year's Eve, though. I have been having a couple twinges of pain in the past two weeks. I hope I didn't screw everything up by skipping a week. Then again, tension makes everything hurt as well.

Last time, I had promised to write about my meeting with the priest. One thing he said disturbed me. He didn't believe that everything happens for a reason. Some things just happen, he said. Personally, I'd like to believe God has a plan for each of us. The priest also seemed to really value suffering. He said I'm sitting on a treasure chest of powerful prayers if I "join my suffering to Christ on the cross". This is a fancy way of rewording the old Catholic adage of "offering it up for your sins".

I mentioned that my main concern is for my children. The priest said they're not mine, they're children of God. I agree they're children of God but beg to differ about the detachment he expects me to feel. He doesn't have kids so I feel he has no idea the love a mother has for a child she bore.

He gave me a tiny crucifix blessed by Pope John Paul II, which is fine. Something tangible to hold onto, I guess.

I wish I could just "give it to God" and relax, riding that wave and knowing He will take care of everything.

Mark and I finally met with a lawyer yesterday to start our wills. Been meaning to do that since FOREVER. I only broke down once, which surprised Mark because he thought I'd be a mess. I started crying when appointing Linz as my secondary medical decision-maker, after Mark. I thought it would be just too hard for my parents, although I trusted they would've done the right thing also.

To most people, making a will is this nebulous, someday thing. For me it's real and now. That's what's upsetting.

I'm still feeling trapped in my situation, and helpless. I did everything in life to avoid getting cancer and it hit me anyway. I expect that freaks other people out, too. If it happened to me, it can hit anyone.

Maybe I should take up meditation.

Work isn't going well, either. I did work a few days in the middle of December but my boss just called yesterday to tell me all my stuff is on a cart because they're giving another guy my desk. While I fully understand he wants to sit in a quieter part of the building, my boss did not mention IF I have another spot! Bummer! She had mentioned sending me on a small audit last week, to which I agreed, but the client never called her back. She claims she's trying to "scare up some work for me".

Had another snafu with Rite-Aid. Tried to renew my Neupogen for white blood cells, which I've been on for like two years. Suddenly they need a "prior authorization" from the insurance company! So someone at a desk get to decide if I stay healthy. They didn't do this in time for my Friday dose so who knows what my white cells will be on Monday? If I get sick, a hospital stay will be like $25,000 instead of shelling out the $2,000 or so for a month's supply. Dummies. :)

Please continue to pray for me that I have health and peace of mind. Know that I ask for God's blessing on my family and friends every night before I go to sleep.
