Kappe Family News

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

My Dear Friends,

Since I am still not sleeping and it's wearing me down, my neighbor recommended I go to her chiropractor for laser light treatments on my arm.

He said it's not tennis elbow, as he pressed where tennis elbow would be and it did not hurt.

He did find a few places in my arm that DID make me jump out of my skin. He said it's nerve entrapment.

So he put a few dots on me and his assistant lasered those areas. The thing looked like a thin flashlight with a cord. She touched the dots on various settings and I was done. Took like half an hour. He had also dug into my arm and stretched the wrist. They also zapped my carpal tunnel.

My arm feels at least 50% better! The carpals are still unhappy but we'll work on that. I'll be darned.

As we were leaving, the door was too heavy for my bad arm so I asked my youngest to open it. He pushed it open by leaning his back up against it. He was having pain before he even made it to the car.

We spent the entire evening in the emergency room. (Mark came straight from work and met us there.) No hernia, just a sprained abdominal muscle and a lotta Mommy guilt. I felt so bad.

As we were sitting in the emergency room, my oldest revealed he had torn his own left arm up on the nearby playground just before we left for the hospital. He fell off a swing from being pushed too high and fell onto the gravel below. He begged his father not to tell me because of all the stess with the younger one.

When I saw his arm, I exclaimed, "Jesus, God in Heaven!"

I made Mark take him to the bathroom to clean him up and apply Neosporin from my purse. He's OK, I guess, some gauze wrapping and bandages`later.

The younger one's pain had subsided to zero by the time we left the hospital.

What a day! I gotta get some sleep. It's 11pm.

Thank you for your continued prayers.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sat, 14 March, 2009

My Dear Friends,

Thank you for your prayers.

The bone scan was good. No new areas of concern.

I was an absolute basketcase trying to track down my results but I did it from work yesterday afternoon. One of my wonderful friends gave me a hug to calm me down.

I was up and showered by 6am for work today. (Darn tennis elbow is still depriving me of sleep.)

I took two ibuprofens, planned to lie down for "just a second" and woke up again at 9am! Oh well, I needed the sleep and now I feel great! (Awake.)


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weds, 11 March 2009

My Dear Friends,

OK, this blog is doing something weird. Tried to post how freaked out I am, how I should've asked for a chill pill, and the blog said I had a "malformed request"! The nerve.

Looked at my Sept 10, 08 posting. Feeling all the same things.

Please pray for me.


Weds, 11 March 2009

Monday, March 09, 2009

Monday, 9 March 2009

My Dear Friends,

My mind is playing tricks on me. I have a routine bone scan on Wednesday. Now I'm dreaming about doctors and nurses giving me bad news about spreading.

Other than throwing my back out last week (reaching for a towel!)I feel fine. I hope the back doesn't show up badly on the scan.

This is so scary. I am still not used to it.

I had a good heart test a couple weeks ago, thank God.

As I was sitting and waiting, I had started to feel sorry for myself. Then they wheeled in a woman who was bandaged from her fingertips to her elbows, a burn victim. When the indelicate technician asked "What happened to you?", all I could make out was the word "grease". I stopped feeling sorry for myself because I could not bring myself to cry in front of this brave woman.

The upcoming bone scan is weighing heavily on my heart. I just want a normal life. I just want to live. I had a pang of jealousy at work when a payroll service rep was talking to someone about being pregnant with her third child. A normal life.

I am also worried because I promised God I'd meke two quilts for the homeless after my last positive bone scan but I've only made one. I'm afraid he'll zap me now. I hope to go buy some clothing on sale to donate & make up for it.

Not sleeping well. Have a wicked case of tennis elbow from using the cane too much.

I guess that's all my complaints for now. :)

Today I get the results of my (nervewracking) monthly comprehensive blood test. They always take it around the 1st.

Please pray for me ... again.
