Tues, 30 May 2006
My Dear Friends,
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I'm feeling OK, just a little tired. The white cells went back down to a normal level last week. Tomorrow, I should find out this week's number.
Still doing the P.T. I've been a little stiff lately, not sure why. Will see the surgeon for a routine checkup in a few weeks.
I see the oncologist in a couple weeks, to plan the next step. Will do a bone scan in June to see if this chemo has been working.
The nurse suggested splitting the Abraxane into three smaller doses instead of one big one, to lessen side effects. A few months ago, they didn't think they could do that but a recent visit from the drug rep changed that. Makes me think these people are making this up as they go... I decided for now to keep it like it is. I'd rather hurt for a week and be OK for two weeks than feel kinda bad all the time. Maybe if she keeps me on this, I'll reconsider.
On the homefront, I've been sucked into the world of scrapbooking. Sigh! Seems like a good way to get rid of the large Rubbermaid container of photos I've accumulated over the past 12 years. It's been that long since I've put anything into a photo album. Heck, I develop my pictures every three years or so! Gotta get into the digital thing. At least that takes up less space!
That's all for now. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Sorry I haven't checked in for a while. I'm feeling OK, just a little tired. The white cells went back down to a normal level last week. Tomorrow, I should find out this week's number.
Still doing the P.T. I've been a little stiff lately, not sure why. Will see the surgeon for a routine checkup in a few weeks.
I see the oncologist in a couple weeks, to plan the next step. Will do a bone scan in June to see if this chemo has been working.
The nurse suggested splitting the Abraxane into three smaller doses instead of one big one, to lessen side effects. A few months ago, they didn't think they could do that but a recent visit from the drug rep changed that. Makes me think these people are making this up as they go... I decided for now to keep it like it is. I'd rather hurt for a week and be OK for two weeks than feel kinda bad all the time. Maybe if she keeps me on this, I'll reconsider.
On the homefront, I've been sucked into the world of scrapbooking. Sigh! Seems like a good way to get rid of the large Rubbermaid container of photos I've accumulated over the past 12 years. It's been that long since I've put anything into a photo album. Heck, I develop my pictures every three years or so! Gotta get into the digital thing. At least that takes up less space!
That's all for now. Thank you for your continued prayers.